Course curriculum

  • 1
    Getting Started
    • About Our Teaching Guides
    • I Really Think I Need More Training
  • 2
    Learning Code: Our First Steps
    • Guidelines for online teaching
    • Starting Out: The Shapes Project
    • Unit Vocabulary
    • Finding And Fixing Compiler Errors
    • Video Walkthrough: Getting Started With Shapes
    • Video Walkthrough: More Drawing With Shapes
    • Shapes: Finished Code
    • Shapes: Rubric
    • Unit Test Questions and Answers
  • 3
    Classes and Objects
    • Unit: Classes and Objects
    • Unit Vocabulary
    • The Parts of a Class
    • Test Objects
    • Runtime Errors and Null Pointers
    • Video Walkthrough: LobsterLand Project
    • LobsterLand: Finished Code
    • LobsterLand: Rubric
    • Unit Test